
Monday, 11 July 2011

Jog on

Ever since I can remember, running has been one of my least favourite things to do. Along with tomatoes, small yappy dogs and Geography GCSE, pounding the streets is up there on my hate list.

My mum remembers how, during my nursery obstacle race, I ran as far as the plastic tunnel and never came out, thus letting my team (the blue squares) down in a big way.  In primary school, I remember dreading sports day, knowing I would come last in the compulsory running race.

So, it is with great surprise that I find myself writing this after going for a jog for possibly the first time ever.
What triggered this massive change of heart was going to see my friend's dance show yesterday. Watching so many sleek, toned and elegant girls backflip and pirouette around the stage made me feel like a blob. There were probably seven year olds there who were fitter and more flexible than me!

I decided that I really should do some exercise.

I dusted off my trainers, last used in school P.E. circa 2009, pocketed my iPod, and set off down my road. 'This is great!', I thought as I whizzed down the hill. 'I feel so free! Why didn't I do this befo-aaaarrgh stich." Needless to say, when the hill ran out it wasn't quite so great. But I carried on.

I was so pleased with myself that I manged to run for the length of two whole songs. Only later did I discover that said songs are possibly the shortest in my library, and total about 4 minutes 50. However, this is about 3 minutes 50 more than I thought I could do.

Inevitably, I did not run the whole circuit and had to slow to a fast-ish walk pretty quickly. Nevertheless, I arrived back home sweaty, disgusting and probably more out of breath than I should have been, but happy and proud of myself.

I'm not sure if this will become a part of my summer shape-up routine (I'd go for no), but I have definitely learnt three things from my brief foray into the world of running.
1) I should have waited longer after my dinner because I now have the worst case of hiccups known to man.
2) I need to invest in some better exercise gear. Some teenage girls stared at me for just a bit too long as I stagggered past them in an ancient T shirt and greying tracksuit bottoms. Look the part,  feel the part afterall!
3) A jogging playlist is an essential. My usual mellow mix of indie, laid back pop and folk was not condusive to running. I found myself listening to songs that I hate, in an attempt to find a beat which I could run to.I may have to grit my teeth and venture into the world of dance music.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed out loud at point no. 1 :D You are a noble creature Katie Barron, good luck with - gulp- dance music
