
Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Carly Evans Saga

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled, the dogs barked... and something very suspicious was going down on Facebook. The Mystery of Carly Evans was about to begin...

A couple of weeks ago I received a friendship request from one mysterious Carly Evans. I was in a rush so I just pressed ignore and thought no more about it. Then I remembered it and declined her, but before I did, I noticed that she said she went to my school had seemingly added the whole of the sixth form. Now, I am a good person with names and I KNOW that there is no one called Carly that would know me and so many of my friends. To make it even fishy-er, her profile picture was a collage. Hmmm....

Last night, someone cleverly confirmed all our suspicions and discovered that she was not on the school email system, meaning that she does not go to the school.

So, as Nikki from Big Brother would say, "Who IS she?"

After a little detective work, I have come up with the following list of suspects:

1. The Head of Year
Suspect Rating: 1/5
This was a popular suggestion on Facebook, that perhaps our head of year wanted to check up on us and had created a fake profile. She is very sharp, so this seems like a thing she could have thought of. However, after watching her type with one finger, I do not think that she has the computer abilities needed to set up a page and add all of us, let alone upload a picture. Also, she is the busiest and most stressed person in the world, so I really doubt that she would dedicate so much time to it. Very, very unlikely:

2: A girl lower down the school
Suspect Rating: 2/5
A tad more likely than a teacher, as they are likely to be on Facebook already and be technology whizz. Perhaps this person wants to stalk the sixth form boys in a more open way. But they could have easily have just joined the school's network and seen people's profiles that way. Why go to all that trouble?

3. Some sort of awareness-raising stunt
Suspect Rating 3/5
If you look at Carly Evans' wall, apart from a stream of "Who are you?" comments, there is one status which says something like: "Another day of school work and looking after mum, aaarrgh!". This makes me think that it could be some sort of young-carer awareness thing, because real teenagers,who actually exist, would probably not write that. It also makes her seem really young, when she is meant to be in year 11. People have written things like "no one needs friends this desperately", which is true, so maybe someone somewhere is trying to make a point about how difficult it is to be a young carer. But, I am wary of taking this further, because it seems a bit far-fetched.

4. The police
Suspect Rating: 4/5
When I first heard about this, my initial thought was that it was some sort of set-up from the police/internet safety gang to highlight how people accept strangers willy-nilly, and how we should all be more safe online. The name Carly also seems like the sort of name they would chose, but if they thought about it, they should have chosen a less 80s one that would blend in! I expect some sort of assembly soon where they say 'Have you been added by Carly Evans? Did YOU accept? BE MORE SAFE!'

5. A proper paedophile
Suspect Rating: ???
(I'm not going to add a picture. Just no.)

I would absolutely hate this to be true, but I guess it could be. There was recently a local scandal about a man using a photo of a teenage boy and posing as "Carl" to talk to girls. SEE?   Perhaps by posing as a girl and also adding boys, he (or she??) thought it would be less obvious? But. One paedophile would not add the whole year, and there is no evidence of them being dodgy...yet. So I hope that this one is not true, but basically I can't decide. The whole thing seems very unrealistic to  me!

So, who is Carly Evans? Do you have any information on her? Let me know!
Hopefully all will soon be revealed, but for now, will the mystery ever be solved?


  1. Katie I love this! In such good, yet funny detail too! Definately posting this link on my blog :)

  2. This is brilliant, you are the younger and more attractive and, um, female Sherlock Holmes :D
    Also I adore that picture of a policeman :]
    Love Abby xxx

  3. Ahhaaahaa this is great!

    Here's some speculations I heard.

  4. More speculation has surfaced that it might be Miss Page claiming to be a younger girl because she wants to see how many of us accept someone that we don't actually know. Only a rumour again though!
