
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Simple pleasures

Today was an INSET day, a day off school for those of you who aren't in with all these technical terms. My 13 year old self would have probably gone shopping with my mum perhaps progressing to seeing friends by the time I got to year 11.
So what did I do today on my day of freedom I hear you ask? Wild 24 hour party? Trip to a theme park? Go up Laaandaaan?
No such luck.
Today, I worked for THE WHOLE DAY. That's right, on a day off, I did more work than I would usually do in a normal school day. There is something wrong here.
To keep my spirits up, I left the house briefly for about 20 minutes at lunchtime, and rewarded myself after a 2 hour History marathon with a magazine. This cheered me up no end, although some school girls did pinch the last copy of 'Look', and I had to settle for 'More', which is in danger of being confiscated by my mother because of the rude bits at the back.
But it is simple pleasures like these which make life better, so here is a list of some of my favourites.

1. Finding money you didn't realise you had. 
The best thing that happened to me once when  I was tidying and when I lifted up a book that I'd got for my birthday but had never read.... and £5 dropped out from my Grandpa! It made me feel loved and rich at the same time! I also love it when I put stuff in the secret pocket bits of my purse and discover a cheeky ten pounds about a month later. I should probably do this more often to save my money for a bit...

2. The song you actually want coming up on Shuffle.  
In my world, this is a sign from above that the day will be A Good Day. 

3. Finding leftovers in the fridge and making a veritable feast out of them. 
 My personal best is when I was confronted with: a packet of feta cheese, some chickpeas, butterbeans, a lettuce and some frozen sweetcorn. I produced a mean couscous-Greek-salad thing. Sadly today, my only choice was baked beans, but I can't wait to be a student and have a whole host of leftovers to make crazy meals with.

4. Getting a train you thought you'd missed.  
I almost get a rush of happiness when this happens on the rare occasions when I arrive at the station at 16.01 and still manage to make the 16.02. Most days, however, I get down to the platform, the train is STILL THERE, but the doors are shut. Swines.

5. Having the exact change for something.
Especially when you can use up all those pesky coppers

6. Fairy cake French Friday. 
 A phenomenon known only to my small but perfectly formed  French class. Last year, we had French every Friday before lunch, and it became a tradition for our teacher to bring in biscuits for the five of us. We adopted this ourselves for this year, and so far I have twice had the lovely surprise of rolling up (late) to class on a tedious Friday afternoon to discover a box of beautiful cakes. When it comes to my turn to provide cakes they will definitely NOT live up to the high standards set by the other two. The day I manage to position a sugar-paper flower or use crystallised violets or make a ginger fairy cake is the day when I will also magically become able to sew, paint, take beautiful photographs and generally morph into a domestic goddess.

7. NOT being late to French.  
Carrying on the theme, I made the rookie error of arriving late to our first class with the new teacher, thus earning myelf the nickname Latie [Lay-tee]. Previously, I considered myself to be a very puncutal person, but sadly I am now living up to my nickname. These days it is a nice surprise if I am not found trying to subtly sneak round the door while Mademoiselle's back is turned...never going to work in a class of five. 

8. Coming home to find tea in the teapot. 
 Saves the hastle of having to boil a kettle, and seems very homely. Even better if it is actually a drinkable temperature and not lukewarm.

9. Waking up before your alarm.  
This is about as likely to happen to me as someone asking my advice on Physics. So, when it does, it is a thing to be celebrated.

10. Clean sheets.
Guaranteed to erase worries and ensure a good night's sleep.

I was going to stop at ten, but there are just too many!

11.Finding a pair of tights without holes without having to raid someone else's supply.  
I constantly enrage my family and myself by getting 90% ready and then going off and doing something else. In the mornings I usually get completely ready except for tights and start making a cup of tea or having another slice of toast...and then have a manic two minutes trying to find a pair which do not have gaping holes in inappropriate places/ are not navy blue/bobbly/nail varnished beyond belief.

12. New socks. 
 I have no idea why, and this will definitely fix my reputation as a granny, but there is something about wearing new socks that are all soft before they get a hole in the toe or lose their elastic or get stolen by members of your family.

13. Tidying your wardrobe.   
When I get round to it, I always feel super efficient when I've had a good wardrobe clear out.  I class myself as superwoman if I separate my winter and summer clothes and put the unused ones into one of those vacuum bags under the bed.

14. Getting home just before it starts to rain

15. Coming home when someone has done the shopping and the house is full of FOOOD!  
Shopping day is Thursday in my house and you have to be quick, because by Saturday, most of the good stuff is gone. In the same way, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, even Thursday afternoons if my dad is preoccupied, can be desperate times.

16. Because I just thought of another one. Unexpected bargains
One of these can transform my mood. The other day I bought what I thought was going to be a rip-off sequinny hairband, but turned out to be a steal at just £2.70! What a nice surprise at the till. But the ultimate bargain was when I bought a collection of Jane Austen books in a very pretty box (quiet you), which was labelled £30 reduced to £15. 'What a good price for five books', I thought to myself, only to get to the till and pay just a fiver for it! That is £1 per book! RESULT.

Before I destroy the limited street cred I ever had, I think that is enough for now. I'm off to go and watch one of my favourite programmes, The Apprentice-another simple pleasure!

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Old age sets in...

Although I have just turned 18, I feel like old age is already upon me. I realised my true age when one morning, my sister had put on Radio 1 at breakfast and I came down and demanded that the radio be changed to Radio 4 because it was "too early for boom banger banger FM". I then proceeded to listen to the Today programme over a bowl of porridge.
I'm ready for retirement RIGHT now. I might as well start claiming my pension.
Continuing the list theme, I'll start with a list of my favourite elderly things to do. But, it's going to take a computer form, because...yeah I won't lie, I can't be bothered to scan in a written one.
So, here are my guilty pleasures. Possibly the most uncool things ever, but they make me happy. Please don't laugh.
Here goes:

1. Radio 4. Obviously the best radio station. Who needs pop music when you have the comforting voices of the newsreaders to ease you into the day? And, apart from the horrendous Archers, there are some gems of programmes. Trust me.

2. Earl Grey tea. For when normal tea just won't do, the lovely added lemony taste is perfect, and feels very sophisticated.

3. Drinking tea, of any kind, at every opportunity. It seems that cool kids drink coffee. Yuck. Give me a cuppa anyday and I will love you forever.

4.Baking. My cakes may look to the untrained eye, like they have been made by a blind four year old, but to me, they are perfectly formed.

5. Wearing  pyjamas or bedsocks at every opportunity. So. Warm.

6. Reading the newspapers on a Saturday morning. I like to know what's going on in the world, and what better way to do it than with a paper as big as your whole armspan stretched across the breakfast table, resting on the marmalade?

7. Doing the crossword. My Granny once came second in the Yorkshire Post crossword competition, and I am obviously following in her footsteps. During study leave, I got into a routine of taking a break with some tea (Earl Grey, naturally) and the easy crossword in The Times, and always felt very pleased if I managed to finish it.

8. Arranging my bookshelf in height/colour order. To be fair, I am not as bad as my sister, who has arranged hers alphabetically.

9. Costume dramas. My absolute favourite thing about Sunday nights. Lark Rise to Candleford, Cranford, Downton Abbey-you name it, I've watched it and loved it. And the best thing is my late night texts to Abby discussing the relative benefits of each episode.

10. National Trust houses.  Perhaps the worst sin of them all, I actually ENJOY being dragged round stately homes by my parents. Shocker. But it's just like Pride and Prejudice, Miss Bennet.

Any other suggestions of granny things I should do are gratefully received, as are assurances that I am not the only one who enjoys one, or all of these things!

Thursday, 11 November 2010


I stumpled upon this beautiful blog, with my head in the clouds, where the girl (I presume it's a girl) has put together a collection of photography, book quotes and just general cool stuff to look at.

Iida (she's Finnish) has done two things that really caught my eye. She's put together a list of her favourite quotations from books, and done a really cool thing here where she's written down lists in one of those leather notebooks that I really want!

I am, if i say it myself, a mistress of lists. As we speak, I can see four lists papering the walls of my room, of various shapes and sizes. One of them is on a mini-whiteboard with a really cute picture of a little girl having a picnic with a rabbit, one is on the back of a letter from school, one is one some crazy French squared paper I stole off my dad, and one is on a horribly luminous pink Post-it. I do not know what I would do without my lists. I just need to write stuff down to remember it, otherwise it just gets lost in the soupy UCAS-dominated mess of my thoughts. I admit I have been know to write down things that I have already done just for the satisfaction of ticking them off. Ssssh...some may call it O.C.D-I call it organisation!

The bad thing is that recently, I have begun to forget my lists! When I wrote a list, it seemed to mark itself indellibly on my brain, like that horrible quill of Professor Umbridge's in Harry Potter, but without the blood. But now I can write a list, and forget I've made it, let alone what's on it. I blame the stress of Year 13...

To get back to my original point about with my head in the clouds, I am going to take her idea of lists, and add it to the idea of favourite book quotes to make what I hope will be a series of slightly different blog posts. I will take photos of my scrappy to-do lists as well as making new ones of my favourite things: book quotes, song lyrics,  French words, things about winter, cakes or er, socks? You name it, I will make a list about it!

So, keep your eyes peeled as my list obsession makes itself know on here. Let me know your suggestions via the Facebook Page. Enjoy!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Carly Evans has left the building!

Just did a quick check to see if I could find out any more on Carly Evans, and it appears that her Facebook page has been deleted!
Did the teacher involved realise how dodgy it looked? Have the police now got enough ammunition for an assembly or 6? Did a real person get fed up of all the abuse? Who knows...
I guess we will soon know who's behind it...

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Over 550 views??!!!

I was going to do a celebratory post when I got to 500 views, but you guys just beat me to it. Thank you so much for all your support, I'm amazed it's done so well in just 2 months...and a little smug ;)
Keep reading! And in return I'll try and feed your appetites for posts!
Mucho amor

The Carly Evans Saga

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled, the dogs barked... and something very suspicious was going down on Facebook. The Mystery of Carly Evans was about to begin...

A couple of weeks ago I received a friendship request from one mysterious Carly Evans. I was in a rush so I just pressed ignore and thought no more about it. Then I remembered it and declined her, but before I did, I noticed that she said she went to my school had seemingly added the whole of the sixth form. Now, I am a good person with names and I KNOW that there is no one called Carly that would know me and so many of my friends. To make it even fishy-er, her profile picture was a collage. Hmmm....

Last night, someone cleverly confirmed all our suspicions and discovered that she was not on the school email system, meaning that she does not go to the school.

So, as Nikki from Big Brother would say, "Who IS she?"

After a little detective work, I have come up with the following list of suspects:

1. The Head of Year
Suspect Rating: 1/5
This was a popular suggestion on Facebook, that perhaps our head of year wanted to check up on us and had created a fake profile. She is very sharp, so this seems like a thing she could have thought of. However, after watching her type with one finger, I do not think that she has the computer abilities needed to set up a page and add all of us, let alone upload a picture. Also, she is the busiest and most stressed person in the world, so I really doubt that she would dedicate so much time to it. Very, very unlikely:

2: A girl lower down the school
Suspect Rating: 2/5
A tad more likely than a teacher, as they are likely to be on Facebook already and be technology whizz. Perhaps this person wants to stalk the sixth form boys in a more open way. But they could have easily have just joined the school's network and seen people's profiles that way. Why go to all that trouble?

3. Some sort of awareness-raising stunt
Suspect Rating 3/5
If you look at Carly Evans' wall, apart from a stream of "Who are you?" comments, there is one status which says something like: "Another day of school work and looking after mum, aaarrgh!". This makes me think that it could be some sort of young-carer awareness thing, because real teenagers,who actually exist, would probably not write that. It also makes her seem really young, when she is meant to be in year 11. People have written things like "no one needs friends this desperately", which is true, so maybe someone somewhere is trying to make a point about how difficult it is to be a young carer. But, I am wary of taking this further, because it seems a bit far-fetched.

4. The police
Suspect Rating: 4/5
When I first heard about this, my initial thought was that it was some sort of set-up from the police/internet safety gang to highlight how people accept strangers willy-nilly, and how we should all be more safe online. The name Carly also seems like the sort of name they would chose, but if they thought about it, they should have chosen a less 80s one that would blend in! I expect some sort of assembly soon where they say 'Have you been added by Carly Evans? Did YOU accept? BE MORE SAFE!'

5. A proper paedophile
Suspect Rating: ???
(I'm not going to add a picture. Just no.)

I would absolutely hate this to be true, but I guess it could be. There was recently a local scandal about a man using a photo of a teenage boy and posing as "Carl" to talk to girls. SEE?   Perhaps by posing as a girl and also adding boys, he (or she??) thought it would be less obvious? But. One paedophile would not add the whole year, and there is no evidence of them being dodgy...yet. So I hope that this one is not true, but basically I can't decide. The whole thing seems very unrealistic to  me!

So, who is Carly Evans? Do you have any information on her? Let me know!
Hopefully all will soon be revealed, but for now, will the mystery ever be solved?

School food update numero dos

My worst nightmare of a sandwich has come true.