
Wednesday, 6 October 2010

School food

I don't know about you, but I sometimes wonder if the people in the school canteen operate in a completely different world from mine. They seem to put ingredients together that you would NEVER EVER do at home. It's like they play a culinary version of spin the bottle every morning to decide what to put in the sandwiches. "Tuna...aaaaaaaaaandddd it's landed on coleslaw". I can safely say that I have never eaten a tuna sandwich and thought mid-way through, "you know what would really improve this plain old sarnie? A nice mixture of mayonnaise and assorted vegetables." I really wonder who buys them.
Another one which keeps coming back with a vengeance is sliced egg. WHY? Apart from tomato, this is my absolute nightmare of a filling. Cold slices of  grey hard boiled egg. Yum...yet people must eat them.
One of their more successful inventions is naan bread topped with cheese. Everything in the canteen seems to be already covered in cheese, so why not add this Indian  staple to the list? It is actually rather delicious...if a little greasy.
In the world of the canteen, appearances can be deceptive. Who knows, the sliced egg sandwich may be the best thing since sliced bread (sorry, had to be done). But, the thing that seems to have got everyone talking recently is the tiffin trifle. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with's basically a scrumptious mish-mash of chocolate, biscuit and a bit of raisin. However, in canteen-land, this treat resembles...tuna. I have no idea how. Despite acquiring the nickname of 'tuna trifle', I am told it is very nice. I'll just have to invest my £1.20 (WHAT?) and have a try myself.
The final weird thing I have noticed in the canteen is the drink selection. Besides the usual suspects: water, fruit juice etc, they offer a horrible supposedly healthy take on the Slush Puppy in a beautiful fluorescent pink colour. I would never dream of drinking this in case I had a funny turn in History from all the E-numbers. They also have about 900 types of coffee. I really don't get the reasoning behind this. How many 12 year olds care about  the difference between a Mocha and an Americano? How many even drink coffee? If I'm honest I'm not sure I do myself! So, the board has an explanation of what every type of coffee is, but tea is hidden away to the side of the machine. This makes no sense to me. Tea is an obvious essential choice.
Although the canteen will always bemuse me, there are  many things on their menu that I count amongst my guilty pleasures. For example, the delectable chocolate brownie, which thanks to Jamie Oliver, must be some way. Win-win! Or the cheesy naans: mmm-mmmmm :) Perfect to cheer you up
after a strenuous morning.
Am I wrong? Is tuna and coleslaw actually worth a try? Let me know.
I guess I'll see you tomorrow at lunch :) Bon appetit!

1 comment:

  1. haha katie this is hilarious, found myself literally laughing out loud, as it's so true! keep up the good work xx
