After the summer holiday, which of course wins hands down, for me February half term comes a close second. Why, I hear you ask? The simple reason is: no exams!
It seems monstrously unfair to me that almost every school holiday after the age of fourteen is ruined by the dreaded burden of revision. October half term is prime mock exam preparation time; Christmas can easily be spoiled by the thought of January modules, whilst, as our teachers keep kindly reminding us, Easter and May are designated no-go areas: revision-only territory.
Of course, I would never advocate dedicating the entire holiday to revision, but, if you, like me, are one of that fair breed of panicky and conscientious students, school holidays can produce a horrendous guilt complex. Going shopping? That’s at least two hours of productive cramming time down the drain. Lie-in? Tut, tut, everyone knows your brain works best early in the morning.
So, it was with great pleasure that I looked at my diary for this week and saw…absolutely nothing. February half term is an oasis of white blankness in a diary full of frantic scribbles and fiercely underlined reminders. Bliss.
I am somewhat unsure of with what to do with all this newly-acquired free time. Part of me wants to do absolutely NOTHING for a change. A whole week of duvet days seems very, very appealing. My history teacher kindly set us a load of work and then told us to get some rest because this was our last holiday until July. To dedicate over twelve hours of my life to watching Steph’s Gossip Girl Season 1 box set would, therefore, only be following the advice of an expert.
However, on the other hand, this week is a gift for that control-freakiest of tasks: getting ahead. Think of all the work I could get done in advance! All that French vocab I could learn, all that extra reading I could do!
Three days in, and it looks like that latter is not going to happen. I seem to have opted for doing the bare minimum of work and filling the rest of the day with more relaxing activities, such as sleeping, mainly, and seeing friends.
So, whilst one part of my brain is luxuriating in doing very little, another part is beating up that dormant, school-work programmed part for not doing enough work. See? Horrendous guilt complex.
I need to get over my revision-based issues.
As I said before, for me and many others, this is my last chance of a revision-free break until July. So, grab it with both hands and enjoy your holidays! Don’t work too hard! (Better still, don’t work at all!)